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Student Government Association

Students on a panel speak to new admits at Fall Campus Visit Day.
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Stand up and let your voice be heard.

The experience of joining the Student Government Association will enrich your life, and you will have the opportunity to give back to your campus community—and add valuable skills to your résumé.

Campus in the fall

Run for Office

Start your campaign.

If you are enrolled in at least 6 credit hours and maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average, you are eligible to run for executive office. Before declaring your candidacy, you must complete a packet and Petition for Candidacy from the Student Government Association office, which requires the signatures of at least 150 currently enrolled Purdue Fort Wayne students. 

Once your enrollment, grade point average, and petition have been verified, we will add you to the official list of candidates, which we display in the Student Government Association office and on our website.

Elections are held every year during the third week of April, concurrent with Spring Fling. Winners are announced on the following Monday. You can find the full campaign rules and procedures in the Student Government Association Election Code. The timeline for elections and candidate packets are available in January.

Join the Senate

Serve your fellow Mastodons.

Join the student senate and serve your campus while gaining valuable experience in public speaking, debate, developing policy, handling budgets and funding requests, and working with diverse stakeholders. The student senate—made up of senators representing either their colleges or the student body at-large—is the Student Government Association branch responsible for advocating for students’ rights and interests, allocating funding to student organizations for events and programs, chartering new student organizations, confirming presidential nominations, and more.

A student senator plays a vital role in the Student Government Association, representing all students of Purdue Fort Wayne and making decisions on their behalf. Senators approve resolutions and bills and collaborate with student organizations to support events and initiatives to enrich the student experience. Senators are also responsible for approving the annual allocations budget, providing vital support to departments and programs across campus. 

Senators must be able to interact with students, act responsibly and professionally, and be the voice for the student body. This is a great opportunity to build your résumé and gain experience in budgeting, committees, and servant leadership. Senators must be registered for a minimum of 3 credit hours at Purdue Fort Wayne for the duration of office and must have and maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better on a 4.0 scale while in office; students with no established grade point average shall not be prohibited from joining, provided they establish and maintain a grade point average of 2.0 after their first semester.

Currently accepting applications. You can choose to apply by appointment by the dean of your academic unit or by petition by the student body. Stop by the Student Government Association office, in Walb Union, Room 225, for an application, or print out the following application and bring it to the Student Government Association office. If applying for an appointed seat, please check the student senate page first to make sure that appointed seats are available for your college.

Official Petition for Senate Seat—Appointed

Official Petition for Senate Seat—At-large

Petition Signature Page—At-large 

Paid: No 

Seats: See the student senate membership page. 

For additional information or questions, contact the vice president of legislation at [email protected].

Join a Committee

Make your mark on campus.

Get active at Purdue Fort Wayne by serving on a university committee. To apply for one of these committees, contact the student body president at [email protected] or 260-481-6589. We are currently accepting applications for the following positions and committees.

Apply for a Committee

This committee is responsible for allocating a portion of the student-activity fee to programs and departments that serve student needs. The committee is chaired by the vice present of finance, and is made up of six additional members: the chair of the student senate ways and means committee, two student senators, two at-large Purdue Fort Wayne students, and one at-large IU Fort Wayne Student. The student government advisor and the business manager for student affairs also serve as nonvoting ex officio members. Student representatives are appointed by the student body president and will serve for the duration of the annual allocations process. 

There are currently five seats available on this committee.

This committee meets monthly (or as necessary during the summer) to review student requests for exceptions to the university refund policy that have been submitted through the Office of the Bursar’s appeal process. One student representative is appointed by the student body president and will serve a term of one year. 

There is currently one seat available on this committee.

The Campus Appeals Board hears and decides on appeals of academic misconduct finding imposed by faculty members, department chairs, academic deans, or division directors; appeals of faculty/staff decision claimed to violate student rights recognized in Part I of the Code; appeals of personal misconduct finding and sanction imposed by the dean of students; and appeals of Student Government Association judicial court ruling. There are four student seats, which are appointed by the student body president for one-year terms. 

Representatives: Anna Pence, David Egolf, Steven Dellinger, and Evan Burkley

This subcommittee advises the senate on matters concerning the undergraduate curricula. Specifically, it examines and reports on proposals for new academic programs before their approval by the chief academic officer or, if such approval is not required, before final approval at the highest-possible level of campus review. Upon a request from the senate, an academic unit, or the chief academic officer, the committee may examine and report on existing academic programs and new or proposed courses. The committee has seats for two student representatives, appointed by the student body president. The students will serve one year on the committee. 

Representative: Sierra Mullins

This subcommittee advises the faculty senate on matters affecting graduate education at PFW, including planning and policy and exercise of the faculty’s right of review of the graduate curricula, subject to the rules established by Purdue im体育 and its graduate school. There are two student seats; appointees must be currently enrolled in a graduate degree program at Purdue im体育 Fort Wayne. 

There are currently two seats available on this committee.

This council exercises the faculty’s authority in regard to all matters related to the Honors Program. This council establishes and periodically reviews the Honors Program mission; reviews and recommends applicants for the position of the program director to the vice chancellor for academic affairs; establishes and reviews the duties of the program director; establishes and reviews standards and procedures for admission to the Honors Program; reviews the honors curriculum, including program requirements, course proposals, and course scheduling; reviews the Honors Program budget; performs regular program assessments; approves the completion of program requirements by students; and reports appropriate Honors Program policies to the senate through the educational policy committee. The committee has two appointed student seats. The students will serve one year on the committee. One of the students must have completed, or be enrolled in, at least one honors course. 

There are currently two seats available on this committee.

This subcommittee shall be a liaison between the faculty and the director of international education, advising the director on policies relating to the Office of International Education and recommending plans and goals for the Office of International Education to the senate. The committee has one appointed student seat. The student will serve one year on the committee and is selected upon the recommendation of the chief officer of the International Students Association or a successor organization.

There is currently one seat available on this committee.

This subcommittee monitors and advises regarding schedules for intercollegiate athletics; establishes eligibility requirements for participation in intercollegiate athletics; approves intercollegiate sport additions or deletions; approves participation in postseason activities beyond conference tournaments; proposes, for the approval of the senate, membership in athletic conferences; advises the ex officio members; makes personnel recommendations in the athletic area to the chief administrative officer when requested by administrators; serves on ad hoc compliance committees; makes recommendations with respect to procedures and policies to assist in student-athlete academic success; participates and is consulted within university-wide discussions and decisions regarding the athletic department. The committee has two appointed student seats. The students are appointed by the student body president and will serve a two-year term. 

There are currently two seats available on this committee.

This subcommittee advises the administration and faculty senate on revenue matters, paying particular attention to the trends in revenue and how this can affect this institution’s ability to carry out its mission to provide excellence in higher education for northeastern Indiana. The subcommittee may also make annual recommendations on sources of revenue and work with the budgetary affairs subcommittee and other applicable groups on recommendations when serious financial shortages may result in the elimination, reorganization, merger, or consolidation of programs. This committee can accommodate one nonvoting seat for a student representative to serve a one-year term. 

There is currently one seat available on this committee.

The judicial court is the student government equivalent of the Supreme Court of the United States. It comprises one chief justice and six associate justices. The court’s primary duties are to issue rulings on the constitutionality of proposed legislation and to act as the arbitrating body for disputes within the Student Government Association. The student body president nominates justices, who are confirmed by the student senate and serve for two-year terms. Membership on the judicial court is an excellent way to gain experience in debate, textual and policy analysis, and conflict mediation. 

There are currently two seats available on the judicial court.

This committee is concerned with the general social, cultural, and practical welfare of all PFW students. Specific nonclassroom matters of concern may include intramural and intercollegiate athletics, counseling, orientation of new students, scholarships, loans, conduct and discipline, health, living conditions, student political activities and organizations, student government actions and recommendations, extracurricular activities, provision of equal rights and opportunities, recruiting and placement policies, and other matters which would enhance the university environment of the student for learning and living. Two student representatives may be appointed each year for one-year terms. 

Representative: Antonio Menson 

There is currently one seat available on this committee.

This committee processes and reviews funding requests for student travel affiliated with the university under certain guidelines. The committee consists of three ad hoc committee members, six faculty and staff representatives, and seven student representatives. The students are appointed by the student body president and will serve a one-year term.

There are currently six seats available on this committee.

This committee advises on and oversees the following matters: planning optimal utilization of physical facilities of the university, including buildings, the library, scientific and equipment, and educational aids; studies of staff needs, utilization, and planning; interdepartmental cooperation for improved facilities and staff utilization; and nonacademic planning, including architecture, landscaping, parking, and traffic. The committee has one student seat, appointed by the student body president. The student will serve one year on the committee. 

There is currently one seat available on this committee.

Paid Positions

Set yourself (and the campus) up for success.

Gain valuable experience, lend your skills to Purdue Fort Wayne, and get paid in the process. Take a look at our part-time, paid positions.

Election Board Member 
The election board consists of seven student members and is responsible for planning and conducting clean, fair elections for the Purdue Fort Wayne homecoming court and the Student Government Association executive officers. The board consists of five positions: chairperson, vice chairperson, treasurer, media liaison, and election investigators (3).

We are currently not accepting applications.

Election Board Poll Worker 
The poll worker assists the election board during polling times. Duties may include verifying student IDs, helping students with voting, passing out giveaways, and helping with the setup and cleanup of polling locations. 

We are currently not accepting applications.

Executive Assistant 
The executive assistant helps with the daily operation of the Student Government Association. 

We are currently not accepting applications.